About this Series

Often the divisions within the Christian church distract us from what I consider is our main fight. Our main fight is not with each other but with a largely unbelieving world. Although the census data might suggest that the majority of Australians have a belief in God and that many would have a vaguely Christian belief, committed Christians are still a small minority in our country.

Over the month of August we have planned a number of activities that you can invite not-as-yet Christians to and engage in discussion. I encourage you to “pray and invite”.

8 August, 2010 ()

Bible Text: |


What does God think of the environment? | Wei-Han Kuan |

The Bible shows us:
1. creation's goodness
2. our role as stewards over it
3. creation's fallenness
4. creation's ultimate restoration.

This robust and coherent framework provides us with unsurpassed resources for meeting not just the environmental challenges of our time, but also for understanding our place in the universe and our relationship with each other and God, the creator.

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