Hot Potatoes

About this Series

1 Corinthians
This is a series looking at one of the Apostle Paul’s longest letters. Corinth is in modern-day Greece and was a thriving commercial centre due to its proximity to the sea. As a church it certainly had its problems. But then what church doesn’t have problems?

Hot Potatoes

13 October, 2013 ()

Bible Text: Jordan Hitchcock |


1 Corinthians 7:17-24 | Jordan Hitchcock |

Remain as you Are

We return to 1 Corinthians 7 today. In the morning Peter MacPherson will look at why the Apostle Paul thinks Singleness is Good. Although not every single person wants to be single there are some advantages that should not be underestimated. In the evening Jordan Hitchcock will return to the passage missed a couple of weeks ago (and will look at singleness in next week’s evening service). This passage gives the fundamental advice of Paul which is to remain in the relationships you were in when you became a Christian.

Next Sunday we will conclude the 1 Corinthians series for this year. Our aim is to look at the rest of 1 Corinthians in 2014. The series is called “Hot Potatoes” because it raises many difficult issues. Growth Group leaders can therefore plan ahead and read ahead in preparation for the issues that will be raised in 1 Cor 8-16.

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