God and Government - Studies in Daniel

About this Series

Daniel: God and Government The setting of Daniel is the sixth century B.C. when the Jews are in exile in Babylon. You might wonder what such distant events might have to say to us today. First of all the book of Daniel will help us reflect on God’s rule in our world. It raises issues such as persecution, evil, suffering, power politics and forces us to think about how we are to live as Christians in a hostile world. Sec-ondly Daniel and his friends are models of faithful, wise and courageous men who offer us insights on how we might respond to the temptations and trials that we face. Thirdly, Daniel provides some of the background thinking to what Jesus has to say about the kingdom of God, his identity as “the Son of Man” and the end of the world. So there are many good reasons for reading Daniel. We will do chapters 1-6 in the coming weeks and look at chapters 7-12 over summer.

God and Government - Studies in Daniel

22 January, 2011 ()

Bible Text: Daniel 10 |


Daniel 10 | Wei-Han Kuan | What should you expect if an angel or the Lord visits you by divine encounter in 2011?  Here are three things from Daniel 10.  What are some of the realities of what's happening in the angelic realm?  Is there an angel for every nation?  And what do we make of these conflicts?  Daniel's faithfulness in identifying with God's people throughout the world, and in setting his mind to understand, and in prayerfulness are held up as model to us.

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